Other crap that's on my mind.

A website about things you probably don't care about, but I do so shove it.

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Where'd you go?

I found you!
Originally uploaded by barliss2.
1. I was very impressed with the Lost recap. It totally caught me all up, and I also realized I probably wasn't paying attention on episodes I even watched. Either way, I was happy. And even happier that I got to watch it later than when it actually aired (thanks skippy!).

2. Maya and I had to yell at Steve yesterday for taping too many Howard Sterns and not watching them. I'm sure that's the last thing he wanted- a girlfriend and a roommate yelling at him- but it was needed, especially when the Howard Stern we were watching was totally repulsive and really almost made me vomit all over the place. And I'm no prude, (okay I guess I am a little) but when I have to hear a woman having an orgasm while being spanked- gross.

3. I called my sister (props!) last night to tell her I thought I was dying. I'm probably not (at least not today- knock on wood, oh, no where's the wood- fuck!), but sometimes I need to be reminded. She laughed and said how I'm usually so grounded, and then out of nowhere I get all crazy. That's the Arliss (the father's side) gene screaming through a Ty Pennington blowhorn loud and clear. So, I obviously get the bits of crazy, and the curly baby hair. I guess both give me a little character.

4. I am glad I'm taking a few days off. The blinding light that shines above me in my teeny cube is giving me this terrifying fear that I'll have seizures when I'm 50 while I'm walking peacefully on a beach. So a few days away from the computer and blinding light will hopefully do me some good.

5. peace.


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