Other crap that's on my mind.

A website about things you probably don't care about, but I do so shove it.

Monday, April 25, 2005

Damn you Weatherman!

Not again.
Originally uploaded by barliss2.
Fuck this weather shit. Sorry, I started off on such a bad note. But I thought it was suppose to be spring. Then this weekend we get a shit ton of snow. What's up with that? I guess it really wasn't all that bad considering on my last day on the Z-pak I got sick again. My head is throbbing. I think it may be allergies, but I'm too cheap to spend another 20 bucks to see my wizard doctor again. I just want to call him and have him give me a prescription without having to sit in the sick room and wait an hour for him to look up my nose for 2 seconds and leave.

On a happier note, I finally got my gaucho pants. Sorta pathetic that a pair of really comfortable pants would make me happy, but it's been a crap few months (actually a crap year!)and if 35 dollar pants make me happy than so be it.

I just rewatched Groundhog Day (for the hundredth time I think) and it got me thinking. I wish I could relive a day over and over again until I got it right. Not sure which day, but definitely a bright, hot sunny day preferably near a beach.

Don't feel like writing anymore, because I'm crabby when I'm sick and I especially don't want to work today.


Blogger Luke Mackowiak said...

I can respect being afraid of chucky at a young age. And don't get me wrong, I most certainly was as well, probably through high school actually.

I just feel like, now, if there were a doll with a knife banging on my door trying to get in...I'd let it. It'd be interesting. We could trade clever insults with one another till somebody losses.

Maybe Burt Reynolds was plan b for mr. miagi casting? who knows?
the last time I watched that movie, I spent the whole time trying to decide who my favorite cobra ki was. I think I decided on the nice one, bobby. although I always wanted johnny's hair.

that's all for now. hope you feel better

8:46 PM  

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