Other crap that's on my mind.

A website about things you probably don't care about, but I do so shove it.

Friday, April 22, 2005

Stupid Flickr, but Smart Mouse.

Flickr is at it again. So now you won't be able to see the best picture in the whole entire universe that I downloaded. That's right, folks, you missed out. Blame flickr, not me.

As for Modest Mouse, I got the tickets, but damn the man for charging me almost 15 bucks (more than half the price of the actual ticket) for convenience charges. I'm sorta thinking it's convenient for them, not me. Anyway, excellent seats and I'm super excited. I'm just praying that that particular work day will run smoothly, otherwise I'll be one mad Barrie.

As for the dvr, we've run into a problem. Our limit has successfully exceeded. I panicked. I started deleting everything, like Hellboy that Steve only taped 30 minutes of. He seems to do this a lot. He'll tape 1 minute of something and then never watch it. Mayarn, get him on the program. I say if it's a regular show, and you haven't watched it in a week then it's outta here. There's just too many shows that we like that aren't going to be taped because Steve wants to save the last 6 minutes of Smallville.

As for last night. Good band, free drinks. What more can you ask for? How about not working today, and just going back to sleep? No? Damn it. It was worth a shot.



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