Other crap that's on my mind.

A website about things you probably don't care about, but I do so shove it.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Did you know...

-I discovered blueberries in my front yard. I eat some every day!
-It's record temperature hot in Seattle. I've been planning my week around going to pools and movie theaters.
-A lady at my gym just LOVES Bath and Body Works Vanilla lotion. I want to kill this lady.
-Osage oranges apparently keep spiders away. I kinda enjoy spiders because they keep the bugs away, but since Dominic is getting bitten every 10 minutes we had to google search a safe way to keep them away from his over-heated body.
-I might buy a shoe that looks like a glove. Seriously guys, there are individual toe placements in this shoe.
-I'm reading a book called, Everything I Want to Do is Illegal, and it's making me really excited/scared about farming next year. The more I realize how many hoops these poor farmers have to go through, the more I think that this apprenticeship will be just that. This is perfectly okay with me, since that was my original intention. But I just wish there was a better way for them, ya know?
-I am planning another bike ride this weekend. Cross your fingers!
-My foot is all better. I, of course, immediately ran this morning and I'm still all better!!
-Every time I drink Talking Rain, which is free thanks to work, I hiccup. I should probably switch to plain water, but I kinda like the tangy flavor, while not adding anything at all to the water. These things make my day.
-I want to see 500 Days of Summer, Paper Heart, Funny People and Time Traveler's Wife. I'm very hesitant about the last movie because the book was one of the best I've ever read. I know the movie won't live up, but I'm a sucker so I'll have to see it with my girlfriends and then rant about it sucking shortly thereafter. I'm also realizing that these are all chick flicks, but after seeing Food, Inc, I think I'm entitled to something silly and lovey dovey.
-I'm having a pretty great summer. I wish it would go on and on and on.
-I also wish I had 4 day weekends.
-And that I could buy enough land right in the middle of Seattle, so that if I did want a farm, I could stay put.
-I'm knitting more and more these days. It's practically the only thing I'll sit down for. That, and Tori and Dean's reality show.
-Besides that show, I just don't care about TV. It simply requires too much attention for me these days and 90% of the time whatever is on is totally worthless.
-I'm still 30 and I still don't really feel like it.
-I had stitches surrounding my toe when I was a kid.
-I need a cast that I hated when I was a kid.
-I remember exactly when I got the traveling bug. And sorry Mom, it wasn't the countless trips to Disney World. It was actually when I went to visit my friend Shari from camp. I saved up my own money in high school to spend a week in a suburb. We had the best time, just laughing and hanging out with her friends. I got to explore Manhattan as an older person (I had been before when I was young) and it totally scared me, but in an exciting way. We saw The David Letterman show and had some special VIPness thanks to her parents. It went so famously that I remember realizing that this traveling stuff was pretty awesome and that I should keep doing it. I haven't looked back since.
-I probably wrote too many things.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I almost bought the shoes you are talking about

2:09 PM  

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