Other crap that's on my mind.

A website about things you probably don't care about, but I do so shove it.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

And in this land, where I don't have a job...

I'll sleep in a whole 30 minutes more and get my hands dirty with worms after lunch. I'll make phone calls and go on interviews and knit and knit and knit. I'll take walks on sunny days and naps on rainy ones. And sometimes I'll do both, no matter what. I'll think about doing something charitable, but remember I'm already growing out my hair for the next 2 years for that exact purpose. I'll see Avatar when you're at work and drink one glass of wine last night. I'll allocate my assets and get new glasses and see my gyno, without having to take an afternoon off. I'll call unemployment and get more movies from the library and take another walk. I'll listen to every podcast there is and attempt to do all those things I haven't done because now I finally have the time to do them.

But what? what? what? Am I crazy? In this land, where I don't have a job I would hope that I'd just pick apples during the day, have friends that always happen to be on this great big couch that fits us all and we'd laugh and hang out and they would never have to go to work either. I'll have a magical guitar that plays Guns 'n Roses songs, like Patience, whenever I hit the chords. And in this wonderful place, that probably only exists on that little island near Bellingham, I'll be able to grow the most comfortable shoes, the tastiest strawberries and grandmas. Because everyone needs a grandma.



Blogger Chandana said...

why not give sometime for something that could impact our whole course of life...

from depression into delight..

from suicidal tendency into eternal life..

from failures and oppressions into glorious victories...

from curse into freedom...

from sin into OBEDIENCE..

frm the World into the KINGDOM OF GOD:


Read on and put the WORD into practise...

Have a blessed reading.

7:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you miss grandma so much, she loved you more then her own children, what a bond you two had

10:56 AM  
Blogger peachysletter said...



5:33 PM  
Blogger Christina Terrell said...

"I'll have a magical guitar that plays Guns 'n Roses songs, like Patience, whenever I hit the chords."

That really made me laugh. Thanks :)

10:24 AM  

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