Other crap that's on my mind.

A website about things you probably don't care about, but I do so shove it.

Monday, June 28, 2010

In this world where vacations go exactly how you planned them...

Where every day is sunshine and roses. Where there's no traffic and every taco costs 25 cents instead of $30. Where the hiking isn't muddy and Hearst Castle is always open - even on days when it's not supposed to be. Where there's no fog and no rain and no June Gloom. Where your massage dude doesn't speak, and where he certainly doesn't say things like, "Have you had a baby? Because your arm is soooo strong." Where the sushi in LA is just what you wanted. Where you don't get sick from the hotel air conditioner. Where pools and hot tubs can magically cheer anyone up, even if you were hysterically crying before. Where the second B in B&B should still stand for breakfast - not hard boiled eggs and hot water. Where you see old friends, and try to convince them to move to Seattle. Where you spend quality time with one another watching Thirtysomething. Where there are bonfires and smores and beer and lots and lots of other things going around. Where you really love that you can talk to your boyfriends friends like you've known them forever, but you've only just met. Where you go down windy roads for a bit too long. Where you almost hit cow and see the Goonies house. Where you buy a bathing suit from a designer named Barrie! Where you talk about babies and marriage and how many other couples do it right. Where you play blackgammon in the bathroom every morning and knit during long drives. Where the weather is amazing driving home and the windmills are a sight to see. And you try to remember to go back to Big Sur, Pismo Beach and Ashland. Where nothing is perfect, and it's probably the worst roadtrip you've ever had - but you had it together, and one day - like yesterday, we'll laugh and laugh about how ridiculous it all was. And that is okay.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

good to see your writing on you blog again! love

7:11 AM  

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