Other crap that's on my mind.

A website about things you probably don't care about, but I do so shove it.

Friday, April 30, 2010

I'm losing it.

Exhibit A: A rare hardcover Anne of Green Gables trilogy. Worth $XX? I got it for $1 at a book sale and planned on reading it over our roadtrip. GONE.

Exhibit B: A knitting book with bag patterns. Worth $15. I reminded myself that I really wanted to make a certain one that was out of this book and planned on making it after I finished my current project. VANISHED.

Exhibit C: My National Park Pass. Worth $80. I was about to reserve a camping spot for an upcoming trip with my girlfriends when I realized I could get a discount with my card. MISSING.

I'm pretty sure I'm losing it. I'm not the kind of person who misplaces things. I'm very, very organized. Even in the days where I was stoned 23 out of 24 hours of the day, I knew where my shit was. And now, in the present, I not only know where my crap is but I know where my Mom has her lighter and where Dominic's passport is too. Which makes me feel even crazier that these items have just gone missing. Was it the fact that I moved around year after year? Was it a case of spring cleaning? Or is it that I've simply lost my fucking mind?



Blogger Davie said...

I like your blog. I don't like losing things. You should find the things you have lost.

8:28 PM  
Blogger Krëg said...

Did you try looking in your other pants? The pair you wore earlier? Those things are probably in a pocket or something.

10:47 AM  
Blogger 咪叩~ said...

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6:47 PM  
Anonymous ~ M ~ said...

I know that feeling... I have moved every year for a while and now I can't seem to find certain things, too. Damn, just thinking about it makes me regress to last week when I tried to find my Nine West wedge sandals, they were like my faves last summer and now crap can't find them for spring. Sorry did I just go on a rant, lol. Nways, you post was great, thanks for the great read.

~ M ~

1:16 PM  
Anonymous Sedra said...

I read a couple of your other post, and they are really interesting. I like your blog :)

4:53 PM  
Anonymous Mike said...

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8:00 AM  

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