Other crap that's on my mind.

A website about things you probably don't care about, but I do so shove it.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

I am so damn tired. Maybe I'm getting old.

So, by my own stupidity I've decided to work out in the morning instead of after work. Which would make sense to most people, because you get it out of the way. You get to eat dinner at a normal hour, and you probably get more done. And to that I say blah fucking blah. I woke up at 6:30 and was already pissed at the world. I can't imagine that I would have to ever wake up any earlier for let's say a crying baby, or even worse 2 crying babies- but I know for a fact that people do this all the time. I've heard that some people actually wake up at 5! I guess it's called being an adult. But I hate this adult thing. I like to do what I want when I want. Isn't that what an adult really means? I'm losing train of thought.... So, I did the gym thing thinking, maybe this will make my day better. I'll be awake. I'll be fresh. I'll have more time to watch tv. This is great! But, now it's only 9:37 and I'm so fucking tired I could pull a George Cantstandya and sleep under my desk for at least 5 hours, if it wasn't for this blinding light shining from above. The light is making me see things I probably shouldn't admit to seeing, and I think I could be losing it. Good thing there's another free food and drinks event or I couldn't make it through the day. I'll try the am workout for the week and decide whether the morning life is for me. Right now my vote is leaning towards a big fat no.

Yay for today being a half day!


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