Other crap that's on my mind.

A website about things you probably don't care about, but I do so shove it.

Monday, February 21, 2005

Rated R for Really Fucking Gross.

The scene of the crime.
Originally uploaded by barliss2.
This is the actual picture of the actual leg that was stuck in my actual car. Don't vomit. Okay, vomit. How fucking messed up is this? Art director suggested it was some kind of voodoo. I haven't experienced any weird back pains or sudden jerks, but if I do I'm blaming the chicken leg.

As for other shit in my life:

Yay for the new guy that will hopefully take some of the pressure off shit.

Yay for getting off early tomorrow to eat free food.

Yay for going to Ann Arbor again to see the Stitch n' Bitch lady.

Yay for me for making my very first fingerless gloves. They are so awesome. I can't wait for spring to come already so I can wear them every day.

Yay for brushing and flossing 2 times daily. It really does work. Dentist was impressed and there wasn't as much blood. Still have to go back in 3 months for lack of going for the last 5 years. My bad.

Yay for 2 blogs in one day.

Yay for chickens that have 2 legs.


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