Did anyone get any work done yesterday?
I know Leo didn't. I think he was gizoogling all day long. You can even type in a phrase and it will translate it for you. Genius!
Anyway, I won't talk about gizoogle two days in a row. Even though sometimes I think my mind is like a hamster wheel. I think I focus on the same 5 things over and over again.
I just got the Bright Eyes cd, and if you haven't heard the newest album yet leave work right now and buy it. It's crazy cheap (well, free for me), and I've been obsessively listening to First Day of My Life over and over again. I don't usually pay attention to lyrics all that much, but that song got to me. I get this distinct gut-wrenching Elliot Smith vibe from Conor Oberst, it's a little scary. I almost want to write him to say, dude, don't kill yourself- your songs are sad and happy and they rock.
Beyond that, a friend from Atlanta who I completely forgot lived here just contacted me. I love when that happens. It's like a little surprise. Yay for friends!
And Yay for Matt taking Nicole and I out to lunch today (for free). I think he feels bad that we're stuck here for lunch most days, and now that it's beautiful outside, we deserve to be out there enjoying it.
Speaking of that, the last few days I've been playing whiffle ball and lacrosse during work. I totally recommend this. I only do it for an hour, but it's such a great stress release and it gets me out of this blinding light that shines from above.
Holy shit. I totally forgot to tell you the most annoying thing ever happened this morning. I'm in the elevator and no joke this little old lady pressed every single fucking button! I'm on the eight floor, so by the fourth it stopped being cute. The reason for this annoyance -- she was trying to find the coffee guy! WHAT THE FUCK! So, because you need your shit caffeine you have to start my day off by annoying the fuck out of me. Take the stairs, you old hag.
Alright, it's back to work I go.
Word. (hehe)
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