Other crap that's on my mind.

A website about things you probably don't care about, but I do so shove it.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

To all the fools I've fooled before.

You've been fooled, bitch.
Originally uploaded by barliss2.
I know there's 2 more days until April Fool's Day, and to me this is my favorite holiday. Hanukkah, Passover, New Years. BORING. But, April Fool's is the greatest, especially when I hear extreme stories about British radio stations telling their people to start driving on the right side of the road. Hahah. That shit is the greatest. I've never done anything that brillant before, but here's a list of things I have done and a few that's been done to me.

1) I told my mom I won the McDonald's monopoly game and she bought it! It was pretty funny.

2) I had just started seeing this boy in college (who turned out to be gay years later, by the by) when my roommate's friend left this long message how she just met this terrific guy and how she knew he was hooking up with someone else but that she didn't care, and then she said his name, and I remember being so heartbroken. That, I think, was the start of my April Fool's revenge to everyone in the world. If someone gets me, I must get you back! MWAHAHAHAH!

3) Ex tells me that our friend caught another friend having gay sex, and that we can't tell his girlfriend. I was like, huh, what. Good one.

4) I told everyone that Nik was gay. He probably is. Him and his friend, Jeff were so gay on eachother, I really wouldn't be surprised. (not sure why there's so many gay april fool's here. maybe because it's shocking when someone you thought definitely wasn't, actually was)

5) I think my mom once told me she was pregnant (at like 56), and I smelled April Fool's from a mile away. Nice try.

Gosh, i can't remember any more of them. But now I have to think up a good one, especially since it's on a Friday this year, and the fact that so much shit has been happening with me, and we'll be celebrating Maya's birthday that day. Any ideas? I need something good!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

okay first of all you watch way too much crap tv...bachelor, desperate housewives,,give me a fucking break...paris hilton on snl..if i ever hear of you watching anything of hers i will be really upset i can't stand that girl..if her family wasn't famous you wouldnt hear about her at all..ugh..second.. i hope your move is good and your happy..
third..to all you non jews out there...you are worshiping a jew..his parents were jews the guys at the last supper..mostly jews..so get with the program..he was a man not a god...and if he could come back the first thing he would say is you guys are out of your minds..i'm just a jewish boy from the desert...and finally i don't believe in god..i believe in a higher energy..you either tap into it or you don't you do bad things bad things will happen....there i've said my peace...good april fools...one year my son told me and my husband that our car was stolen..we were sleeping and he runs inthe room mom dad car stolen...we get out of bed he thought it was hysterical..we realized it was april fools..we got him back..peace out or whatever your generation says...i will just say

6:37 PM  

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