Other crap that's on my mind.

A website about things you probably don't care about, but I do so shove it.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Man, I'm a fucking dork.

I remember once Kelly told me that one of her friends thought I wouldn't like doing some kind of cheesy activity because I was cool and might snub my nose at it. To which I told Kelly, this girl obviously doesn't know me, does she? Kelly agreed.

Because not only is this post my FOUR HUNDREDTH, which officially makes me a blogeek (the fact that I just combined the words blog and geek says something right there) but here are some other reasons:

1. I belong to a library that I visit on a weekly basis.
2. I was never good at making friends. So much so that I remember when I was a young child I remember my mom taking me outside to introduce me to the neighbors and I just couldn't speak. I was a very very shy kid who liked to do puzzles and swam till my hair turned green. Thus, come high school I was never in a clique or in any type of popular crowd type thing. In fact, I'm still weary of "cool" people.
3. I stopped watching tv to take hikes around every park around Seattle.
4. I just got Anne of Green Gables: The continuing story at the library and even though the first 30 minutes isn't nearly as interesting as the other series, I will have to watch all 3 hours because I've never seen it.
5. I knit. And have been trying to teach myself to knit and be able to look up while doing this. Thus, letting me talk to people face to face and watch movies/tv while making scarves and the like. I'm like training my brain to do this every single day. It's strange, but I'm determined for it to work.
6. I'm technically a writer. Hello, big time dork.
7. I used to wear glasses and have really short hair.
8. I'm pretty organized, and like to go to sleep knowing when I wake up everything will be in its place.
9. I cook for myself often. No fancy restaurants for me!
10. When I showed a girl at work the book Generation T: 108 ways to transform a t-shirt we both got so excited we literally jumped up in the air and made plans to use her sewing machine and collect as many t-shirts as possible.
11. I like to go to movies by myself sometimes.

So when I told all this to Maya, who plays the french horn and loves to knit while dreaming of visiting Prince Edwards Island, she said, "Well yeah, but isn't it better that way?"

And I'd definitely have to agree, that yes, yes it is better this way.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

400 blog entries and counting. best part is, the blogs now-a-days really show how happy you are. glad to see life's good.

12:04 PM  
Blogger topicismono said...

you never cook me dinner. and you never knit while you talk to me. i cannot confirm that many of the claims you make are in fact true. i consider your story suspect... i need proof, dorky neighbor.

2:05 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

: ) Dorks are the best! By the way, going to the library is not dorky. (I am a Librarian, I should know!)

7:27 AM  

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