Other crap that's on my mind.

A website about things you probably don't care about, but I do so shove it.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

The last few weeks...

I've been crazy busy ever since Spain. Not with work per se, but with extra curricular activities. And it's been very awesome.

I saw The Books, !!! (for free) and LCD Soundsystem (for free). This Sunday I'm going to see Peter, Bjorn and John (for free). And in three weeks I'm going to see Bjork, Beastie Boys, Ghostland Observatory, Arcade Fire, Mano Chao, Bad Brains, Sarah Silverman and about 50 more totally awesome acts (for FREE!)

I also have my knitting nights every Wednesday with the girls.

And I've been going out on random dates here and there.

And then it was Cinco de Mayo. And then I saw Oscar de la Hoya lose. And then I went to a cool place that served hot dogs and had old school pinball machines. And then I went to the park. And then I started writing more for something secret. And then I threw down $200 at an independent clothing design bizarre (to which I get countless compliments on my purchases). And then I went to the opening of the Seattle Art Museum (twice). And then I went to two taco trucks in two days. And then I went to a rummage sale and then a huge fuck-off book sale. And then I got all these free samples at Kiehls. And then I got a manicure/pedicure/dinner for free. And then I looked all over the city for sheets and finally found the softest ones ever (go beech!). And today I have a meeting to possibly help out with a very cool website and it's not work related, but it's not pay related either (it's one of those good cause thingys).

It's sunny, bright and I can smell the summer is gonna be filled with excitement!



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