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Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Sale, it's almost as good as free!

Lots of good, cheap things has happened this week.


Went to a big rummage sale. Greenwood basically got every neighborhood together to have yard sales and it was pretty cool. I got old timey placemats for $1

From there, I then went the Library Book Sale, but it was near the Soundgarden. Books galore!! Videos galore!! Posters, old children books, basically anything you could ever want in your life was there!!! And I didn't even buy actual reading books, but I did buy:

Anne of Green Gables: All the volumes in one big book. I seriously think it found me, because I saw it and didn't even hestitate. I mean, sure I'll probably never read it, but fuck it's a fucking $1 so I had to have it. (And wait, I'm lying. I actually will read it)

A 1900 Sears catalog. This was so awesome and worth the pictures alone. They sold everything from electric belts to headstones. This is the kind of book will come in handy later, when it comes to making more websites... Plus it was only .75

The Unexplained Mysteries of the World: The perfect bathroom book and $1

Then I got some old timey children books and The Stranger's Guide to Seattle. All worth the .75 and $1

Got an email from my LYS that they were giving away free memberships, which usually cost $20 or something. Guess who went there bright and early? That's right...

One of those lovely reps took some of us girls (and one guy) to get mani/pedis. I usually hate this, but when it's free... Anyhow it was so amazing! The best mani/pedi I've ever had. They even did that parrafin shit, which I've never experienced. Everything was just wonderful and then they even treated us to a great dinner (and drinks!)

Just the normal free lunch. No big whoop, but I feel like I should keep telling you how many free or very cheap things I can acquire in one week.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder how much the sears catalogue is worth. My grandma has one in her attic.

9:23 AM  

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