Other crap that's on my mind.

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Tuesday, January 11, 2005

I want a kick ass crib.

So, I decided to burn down my house thanks to the people at extreme home makeover. I watched the show this Sunday as this sweet little family who had nothing after their house was burnt to bits, to having the most kick ass house I've ever seen. I mean for real, Ty must have spent at least 3 mil on this house. And then all the extra shit they get, like a sailboat and scholarships and clothes and a bed and breakfast wing. Ty, I have dreams that aren't fulfilled. I live in a modest home and I think about the Tsuanmi victims. I'm a decent person. So what does it take to get that kick ass house? I guess I'll just burn my rental down and hope Ty will come with that annoying blowhorn and a 700 man crew to crib my shit up. P.S. No posters of Scarface please.


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