Other crap that's on my mind.

A website about things you probably don't care about, but I do so shove it.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

If I think it's funny, then it's funny damn it!

I'm listening to the Eels right now and I wish I could just start dancing right on my poorly designed desk. But man, do I like this song.

Yay for Mark being able to quit and then having them in turn say, just leave now and we'll still give you 2 weeks pay. How lucky is this guy? He always seems to manage those kind of weird deals. At least I got his kick ass goodwill oversized chair, not more than 5 minutes after he left. Hehe. I had to act fast.

The funny thing I'm referring to in the title of today's blog, is that the last 2 times I've talked to my mom she asked me about "Your friend named, how do you say it Mayard? Mayaroni? Oh, I don't know" And I kept thinking, how hard is it to say Maya? It's not too unusual of a name. That's when I realized, oh my, she must think her actual name is Mayarn. Like it's some new age, hip hop Gwenth Paltrow type thing. Hehe. Maybe I only think it's funny. But I bet Mayarn will think it's funny too. So there.

I've decided something major. I'm getting an ipod! This is a huge investment for me. Especially since I want the most expensive one, but I think I'll just end up with the 30g. I really would like the one with the most music possible, because I have so much to put on but I realized that I can't part with 450 dollars. Not sure how I'm validating giving 300 dollars to apple, but at least it's not 450.

Now for changing the subject. I never remember my dreams. And yet yesterday I remembered one very vividly. Probably because Maya, Nicole and I were talking about dreams and that one of the spots Nicole and I were thinking up involved dreams, and the fact that the last Radio Free Rosco I saw involved dreams, but that's neither here nor way the fuck over there. Anyway, the dream was about my ex and he came over and we were looking through pictures. Then he tried to kiss me but I wouldn't let him. I think I know the meaning to this, but then again I don't know if I necessarily believe that dreams have meanings. I think we bring them on ourself, or maybe it was the fact that I had 2 cups of coffee yesterday, which I never ever do. Where am I going with this? Ah, who cares, right?

Anyway, I have way too much work to keep writing to you fools. So, I'm out.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

what's funny about yesterday's blog is that in my home on the floor next to the computer is that book you had on the blog..speechless..the author of that book is good friends with our cousin who is also a underground comic book writer...scarlet out

3:16 PM  

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