Other crap that's on my mind.

A website about things you probably don't care about, but I do so shove it.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

How amazing is it?

Pretty darn amazing I tell you. Actually, I was rooting for Rob and Amber. Aside from all their schemes and whatnot, they worked great together. All the other teams just bothered me with all their bitching.

I just realized I really have nothing else to blog about right now. Did I just run out of steam? I guess there's a lot of work to do today, but that's no excuse. The weather sort of sucks, and it's not suppose to get any better, but still. Nothing funny has happened reccently or even interesting for that matter. I did get a fortune that said I'd come into money, but I'm not about to buy a lotto ticket to test this theory. Ugh, I feel lame. I also feel tired, and a little full from lunch. I'll try to think up something truly amazing to write about tomorrow. But most likely it will be about Lost and how amazing the last few shows should be!


Blogger csc said...

Barrie, I need you to create a list of important tv events this week. why? well, I'm creating a weekly 'party primer' for my blog. To give everyone a quick list of news, pop culture, and odd stuff to talk about at parties.

11:10 AM  
Blogger Barrie said...

hey smartass (just joking)-

if you were really making a party primer (which you're not) i'd read up on EW. they actually know more than me when it comes to entertainment anything. i really don't watch that much tv damn it. and besides i don't have someone to googly eye with all day long, so i have to watch something to keep from crying. there you go again, carl.

p.s. are you sure you're not doing drugs anymore?

11:19 AM  

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