I have a question that you might be able to answer.
I watched the season premiere of The Family Guy yesterday (thanks skippy!) and I'm a little embarrassed to admit that this was only the 2nd episode I've ever seen. Before I get bitched out by cartoon snobs, I have my reasons. Okay, I really don't have a reason- I was probably watching something else at the time. But my question is this (for anyone who watched it) -- at the end, what was with the guy in mud dancing around? I asked my roommate since he's seen almost all of The Family Guy's and he didn't understand it either. Now, I must know!!
So, I'm such a sucker. Watching too much MTV has turned me into a byproduct of "if you watch it, the money will come directly into some big corporate execs pants". Thus, I introduce you to Bloc Party. I never heard of them until MTV has very consistently been playing their buzz worthy video over and over and over again. Now, it's almost like I've been hypnotized into liking them. I just got Nicole to give me there cd to listen to, and indeed I do. Then I proceeded to look up if they were going to be in the Detroit area. Thankfully, they aren't, but if they were I wonder if I would have bought a ticket. I fell into their little hands too easily. They might as well said crack was good for you and I would've believed them. Damn the world and all it's advertising!
Side note: I just read the Weezer article in Rolling Stone. I never realized Rivers Cuomo was such a nut case. Oh well, Say it Ain't So is still one of my all time favs.
Now, onto the Bachelor. The only thing I will say about this is that I called Caitlin immediately after, and this happened:
Me: Oh my GOD! Can you believe what happened?
Caitlin: No no no! Don't tell me, I didn't watch it yet. It's on tivo. Please don't say another word!
Me: So, you don't want me to tell you that he didn't give the rose to... (laughing)?
Caitlin: No, you're killing me. Stop, I'm hanging up.
Me: Hehe.
The End (Not as funny, when I wrote it out, but it was funny on the phone, I swear.)
As for some people being jealous right now, I think the agency I work for is going to give us the day off and take us all to see Star Wars. Unless there's free popcorn, I think I rather watch Radio Free Rosco. Hehe.
grrr. I want a Star Wars party.
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