Other crap that's on my mind.

A website about things you probably don't care about, but I do so shove it.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

I was suppose to blog about something else.

Imagine if it was False?
Originally uploaded by barliss2.
You're in luck folks. Instead of ranting about how god awful that Brittany and Kevin reality shit was (I watched about 10 minutes and experienced a Bourne Supremancy dizzy throw up feeling), I'll blog about something else that's worthy of your attention.

Go here.


For some reason, I'm a sucker for anything where kids, old people, little people or animals reenact a commercial, movie scene or play. It's just plain funny and this one is particulary so. Thanks Maya.

As for other news, I was feeling Maya's pain the other day when she said she was having a bad morning. But then a question came to mind. Bad mornings vs. Bad afternoons? I say, hands down, bad afternoons take it. Sure, waking up in a bad mood with a sore neck from sleeping funny, and then having a boss yell at you before 9 am, and then trying to stay awake for a 10 am meeting sucks. BUT, having a boss yell at you as you're leaving for work, getting a huge assignment at 5:15 that's due the next day, then dealing with traffic, then having people complain that you don't go out enough (which isn't true at all) when they make 3 times more than you and never had to deal with over 75,000 dollars worth of loans, then bringing all this home and trying to erase all that shit from your head and then realizing when you go home, you'll be home alone with no one to listen and then attempt to have a normal night sleep. Believe me, bad afternoons suck. But if you think bad mornings are worse, I'd love to hear your reasoning behind it.


Blogger Barrie said...

I got this distinct Truth or Dare vibe from it, but 10 times worse and somehow trashier. Like I need to know how many times Brittany is having sex in a day. Gross! I only hope one day, if I ever have kids, they won't like this type of shit and dress like Paris Hilton. When did it become cool to look like a slut when you don't even have boobs yet? All right, I"m getting off the topic here.

7:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for watchin' my show. Baby Daddy needs all the dough he can get to buy some new trucker hats.

12:59 PM  
Blogger richlevine said...

I can't get the link to work, but I've always thought that a re-make of, say, Braveheart or The Godfather with all midgets would break all sorts of records...

10:43 AM  

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