Other crap that's on my mind.

A website about things you probably don't care about, but I do so shove it.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

That's what I get.

So, I was at the studio for a partial day and I couldn't concentrate and I knew things needed to be done so I decided to just go home early and do the rest of the work where I knew I could get peace and quiet. I passed the grocery store and thought, hey I'll pick up some bananas and milk since we're running low and there won't be any lines. I pick up bananas, milk, bread and some lotion (impulse buy). I check out. I drive home. I pick up the bag and low and behold milk is everywhere. Now my car smells like fucking milk. I'm too tired to go back to the store, so I called them. They said they'll give me a new milk and they'll pay for the cleaning of my car. Whew! But I think I just got some back asswards karma. Just because I want to leave work early to work at home, the gods of workdoom decided let's fuck with this chick so she won't be able to work efficiently from home and instead have to deal with grocery store people about milk and the cleaning of her now milk soaked seats. UGH! How's that for something to blog about. Why me?


Blogger Seth Gunderson said...

Get that crap cleaned soon, or it'll stink forever!

8:41 AM  
Blogger Barrie said...

I did, like an hour later. I just needed to get work done first. And I also got a bigger jug of milk for free! Score.

9:10 AM  

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