Other crap that's on my mind.

A website about things you probably don't care about, but I do so shove it.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

I can't really blog, but I'm gonna anyway.

Ugh. Why is Flickr not working?!

I wanted to show pictures of the drunken festivites whilst celebrating Nicole's birthday, but of course Flickr blows. She didn't throw up like we had all hoped for, and so Lew won the whole 7 dollar bet. I really don't have the time, so I'll just sign off with a few words from yesterday:

1)My mom read your blog and she said you have a potty mouth!

2)Do you have a buttery nipple?

3)Lew was going to pay me a dollar if I walked by his cube every hour on the hour..

4)Who wants to bet that Nicole and Leo are gonna do it right here on the table?

5)Are you a big girl or not? Take the shot!

6)If you don't take that in one gulp, it's anal sex for you!

7)Nicole, stop trying to kiss me!!

Gosh, I'm not even sure some of these things were actually said. After a few shot and a few more beers I was probably as gone as Nicole. No more drinking this week. I can't be an alcoholic for sure. It's not the life for me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you sure sound like an alcoholic. that's all you seem to talk about. if your not now your close.

4:27 AM  

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