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Friday, March 18, 2005

I thought there was music in Michigan. I was wrong.

The 3 month Itch
Originally uploaded by barliss2.
Maybe it's because I've been poor for so long, but I feel like I haven't seen music in such a long time. I used to see a concert at least once a month. And the last time I saw something was The Pixies. Oh, wait. I lied I saw Scissor Sisters for free, but I was too tired to really enjoy them. Bottom line is I need to find more music, acutally I should rephrase that. I need to find cheap concerts to go to. Anyone know of anything good playing soon? I'm into almost anything that's cheap. I don't mean 30 dollar cheap. I mean 5-10 cheap. I'm on a budget, remember.

I was going to see Bob Weir, and you'd think all these Michiganders were hippies, but I haven't found anyone to go with. Everyone here seems too cool to be hippies. Whatever. Get over it people. It's good music, and everyone should listen to everything, including fun hippy music you can actually twirl to.

I'm starting to hate music like Coldplay, for the reason that if I saw them in concert I know I'd be pretty bored. Staring at a field of couples rowing back and forth, as I hear smacking sounds and the lulls of Chris Martin's voice. OOh, fun! Where do I pay my 50 dollars to see that. Whatever.

Don't get me wrong, I like that kind of weepy music. I just don't want to spend money to sit on a picnic blanket with my lighter in the air. I want to dance, damn it!


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