Other crap that's on my mind.

A website about things you probably don't care about, but I do so shove it.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Life is like a bunch of hot gooey crap oozing from your ass and landing on my head.

So, you wanna know how bad it is right now. Not only has the last few weeks been horrible for the reasons explained in past blogs, and other personal shit I can't get into, but now I have to move!

That's right, the roommate, AKA- "THE BEST LAY EVER" (or at least that's what his ex-girlfriend has been saying and somehow got back to me- eww- hehe), is moving. Not sure when, but all I know is that I don't want to really stay here to begin with and now I already have to move. I've only been here 7 months. Just started getting comfortable with this bohunk neighborhood and now I have to move to Ferndale. Which I guess isn't bad at all, but just the idea of packing all my shit again when I don't even have time to tweeze my eyebrows because I'm at work morning noon and night, weekends and holidays and even while I'm sleeping. And now I'm supposed to do all the hassles of moving. Ugh. What the fuck god! I'm so scared to get on a plane or stand outside during a thunderstorm because I just have a feeling I'll for sure die. Someone has it in for me. Someone is testing me with how much I can handle in one month. And I'm tough, but not that tough. I really don't know how much more I can take of all this. I really wouldn't be surprised if the universe exploded within the next few minutes. Be warned. It might just happen.


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