Other crap that's on my mind.

A website about things you probably don't care about, but I do so shove it.

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Should I even get into this one?

So, I've been missing tv this week. I didn't get to see the Contender. Was it any good? Is it worth wasting an hour of my time. And more importantly, since it will be on Sunday's if it's on during Simpsons, Arrested Development or Desperate Housewives then forget about it.

Now, for something strange. This blogging thing is totally like the weirdness. (Did I just sound like a valley girl? Good, that was the effect I was going for.) I wrote something awhile back about The American Copywriter, and then someone from that agency wrote a comment on my blog (yay for comments on blogs)! To me, that is just so strange how small the world is that someone found me. Did he google American Copywriter and my blog came up? Has he been a loyal reader (that means him and my mom should talk because I think she is the only true fan I have)? I mean this blog is how I communicate to some real life friends. Like my friend Jessie, who lives in Spain, and can't afford to call me all the time so she just reads my blog to get the everyday insight into my sad pathetic life. But, maybe I'll get a job from this blog. Oh, how I wish I could put my portfolio on here. That would kick huge Oprah Winfrey in the 80's ass.

Man, am I going all over the place or what? This week has just been too weird for me to be focused on anything, let alone this piece of craparbage.

Ah, shit. Work calls!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey - it's maya. don't forget me, your other loyal fan.

So did you write to that guy or what?

10:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey - it's maya. don't forget me, your other loyal fan.

So did you write to that guy or what?

10:13 AM  
Blogger richlevine said...

dude, if you install "site meter" on your blog you can see all the fucked up google searches that lead everyone to your site. Its easy and free.

10:45 AM  

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