Other crap that's on my mind.

A website about things you probably don't care about, but I do so shove it.

Friday, June 17, 2005

You sure as shit don't get this in the Sunshine State.

Today I'm on a mission. Actually, we all are. Of course, I'm at the studio and it's a very busy day, but I scheduled everything early so that I could jet out by 2ish. I'll actually be at two places at once because I'm doing radio upstairs and tv downstairs. Whoa, I know what you're thinking and no, I'm not Dr. Sam Beckett from one of my favorite childhood sci-fi shows, Quantum Leap. I just know how to multi-task like a mean mofo.

As for where I'm camping, looky over to the right. That's where. How perty, right? You definitely don't get this kind of view in Georgia or Florida, so I have a feeling I'll be in for a special treat this weekend. Or lots of sand in my hair. Either way, good times will be had by all.

Goodbye cellphones, oh, how I hate you so.
Goodbye skippy (DVR), I'll catch up with you later.
Goodbye internet, I'll miss you most of all.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's a Bigfoot in the mountains this weekend.

6:36 PM  

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