Other crap that's on my mind.

A website about things you probably don't care about, but I do so shove it.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Tell Fall to go somewhere else.

Argh, it's been in the 60's the last two days! It's August. I don't want Fall to happen just yet. I'm not ready. I'm not tan. I didn't even have a chance to get my J. Crew flip flops repaired by the shoe guy. Please, weather, give me at least one more really hot weekend. I'll do anything, I swear. Please?

Now, on to something way more important than the weather. As you might know, (okay, normal people outside the Great Lakes States probably don't know. so goes my life.) this weekend/week is the Dream Cruise. Not sure why it's called this, as for me, this is more like a fucking nightmare. American crappy cars take over the streets whilst people gawk and point and eat greasy food and get fat and die right there on the streets. Although, I'd love to stick around and get myself caught up in traffic and marvel at metal on wheels, instead I'm going someplace else. Someplace much much better. Here, I'll let Maya explain the Michigan Fiber Festival (I modified a little here):

Do you love yarn? Do you understand this is not so much a "festival" as it is a "county fair?" Do you
understand that petting alpacas is AWESOME? If so, then yay!

Okay, so obviously the Fiber Festival isn't a bunch of people shitting while eating bran cereal. It's about yarn. EVERYWHERE. Sheep? Check! Old ladies wearing hats? Check! Pretty, expensive, inexpensive, ooh, I must have yarn? CHECK!! Maya, Becky (my new knitting friend!) and I will be attending. AND CAMPING! Which to me just adds to the wonderfulness of this experience. Combine that with 3 silly girls, one who is leaving oh too soon, and smores- basically, it should be da bomb!

All right, that's all for today. Go look outside. It's so pretty (even if it's fucking cold!).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Los Angeles, California
Current conditions

As of 11:47 AM PDT
at Los Angeles Downtown, California





6.0 miles

As of 3:30 am PDT on August 16, 2005

Today...Highs from near 70 at the beaches to the mid 70s to around 80 inland.

Tonight through Friday...Highs from around 70 at the beaches to the mid 70s to around 80 inland.

Friday Night through Monday...Highs from the lower to mid 70s at the beaches to the mid 80s inland.

11:54 AM  
Blogger Miss Julie said...

Yay! Another Fiber Fest-er. I, too, am looking forward to it, particularly the part when I make eyes with those gorgie alpacas. Have fun!

1:43 PM  

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