Other crap that's on my mind.

A website about things you probably don't care about, but I do so shove it.

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Where will we gamble now?

Sails away.
Originally uploaded by barliss2.
When I realized I had negative 130 dollars in my account yesterday and a bunch of other weird/bad things happening all at once, it really didn't compare to the pictures I saw in the South. With that said, here's my last memory of Biloxi, which is now practically destroyed.

Carl, Emily and I were at one of Carl's friends house during a Portfolio Center one week break. I think I stopped going home during breaks, but was still itching to go somewhere. Someone mentioned gambling in Biloxi at around 9 pm. We discussed it, and agreed that we should do this- that night! So, Emily gave her dog to Kelly in exchange for a garbage sized bag of free muffins Kelly would steal from her job. And we were off to Biloxi at around midnight. We get there at around 5ish and Carl immediately spots The Treasure Bay Casino (pictured over there). Thinking he was a pirate (for real guys, a pirate) he demanded that that's where we go. So we did. Without any sleep (Okay, I slept the entire car ride, but that's what I'm best known for during road trips- which is probably why I like them so much. I wake up and I'm there. It's most awesome!) We gambled till who knows when. I lost about 150 bucks because that's when I was playing roulette and didn't know any better. We ate crappy food, found some crappy hotel, went swimming, fell asleep for a few hours and drove home. It was awesome! This was also a time when Carl didn't have Anja, so he was allowed to do whatever he wanted and he didn't have someone to call or text message every 2 seconds. And yes, he knows he completely whipped. But I think he likes it.

Okay, I started rambling. But that was the last time I was there. It was fun. It was memorable. There are actual pictures to go along with these memories. And now, that pirate ship is probably under the gulf, completely ruined. Buisnesses have to start all over, tourists won't come for months, maybe years. Caitlin's friends that live nearby have trees in the middle of their homes and no power and are flooded and some are missing. It's just insane.

So, yeah, being in the hole doesn't compare to this. Nothing does.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please encourage as many people as possible to help our neighbors on the Gulf.

Buy or sell an eBay item through Giving Works

Offer up housing space for survivors through Katrina Housing

Make a donation to the Red Cross

Make a donation to FEMA

5:32 AM  

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