Why the internet fucking rocks.
So, for the past few weeks I've been hunting for furniture. Not Ikea or Pottery Barn crap, but the kind of shit I like, retroy old fashion stuff. If I went to vintage stores I realized this would take me years to find exactly what I wanted. Then I realized, DUH, CRAIGSLIST! And on Monday I found my last piece. I've acquired 2 awesome 60's teak dressers and this kick ass vinyl covered coffee table. I love the fact that no one will say, "Oh, isn't this Ikea?" when they see my old furniture. For some reason this makes me happy. Don't ask me why. And the people I've purchased things from are always so friendly. The coffee table couple actually were selling their whole house, and when I saw an old cash register I asked how much and they said FREE!
So, I'm done with all the furniture. But now I'm looking for rugs. I really just need 3. Two small ones and one big one. I'm sure I'll keep looking on craigslist, because I keep finding rugs people haven't even used yet for half the price they paid for it, and if you guys know anything about good rugs (not the kinds with stripes and shit, but the old looking kinds) you know they are pretty pricey. I recently found a huge shag rug someone was selling for only 75 bucks that they bought from cb2 at like $300. They just realized it didn't match, thus they sell! Same goes for people who buy things at room and board (a very pricey place that sells retro shit I love). So, I'm sure I'll find something soon. But for now I'm really sick of shopping, so I decided instead of buying a small rug, I'd just make one out of something.
I asked Maya how to go about this, as I haven't seen any patterns I really like. She pointed me in some directions, but I'm still not sure. Then I looked on her website at all the people she reads (as they're all knitters). Then I looked at their sites and so on and so forth. I found so many awesome sites, that I've fully wasted my morning looking at Japanese craft books and Thrifters who make cool shit out of garbage. This is why I love the internet so. Now, all I need is a sewing machine so I can really make these skirts I found and other such awesome things.
It's kinda weird, cause I've never sewn a thing in my life, but for some reason I think I'll be okay at it. If a button falls off, even when I was little I'd just sew shit back together and it always looks decent. So, I think my grandmother must have passed down some crafting skills into my blood. She would refuse to teach me, even when I begged her. She'd say I wouldn't pay attention, but really I think she just didn't have the patience to teach me or she didn't want to teach me because then I wouldn't need her to make me things. If only she could see me now!
make a rug out of old thrift store t-shirts. like the thankyou mart shirts with "pony" emblazoned on them. that or old jeans.
i need some ice cream, my brain is crappin out this mornin.
right, that's what maya suggested, but how do you actually do this? i'm more of a technical crafter, where i need to be told exactly what to do. you can't just say make something out of something and voila. no siree, man.
alright, got some icecream and ready to suggest some crafty buisness.
you could take a rug thats old or a new cheap one, sow stuff right on to it in a grid pattern. or you could take thin board and apply stuff on to it with an adhesive. like a break dancing board but large, some industrial glue and old t-shirts.
sheeeeeit, with the fumes alone it'll be an awesome project.
the "ice cream" just wore off.
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