Other crap that's on my mind.

A website about things you probably don't care about, but I do so shove it.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Never have I ever...

Here's another meme I created just because:

I haven't watched: CSI, The OC, a full episode of Everyone Loves Raymond, Still Standing, The Class and Heroes.

I haven't read: Moby Dick, The Old Man and The Sea, The New York Times, an article in Vogue and The Da Vinci Code.

I haven't purchased: a digital camera, a laptop, a flatscreen TV, a cellphone that flips or slides or is as thin as me, a CD in the last 2 years or a song on itunes.

I haven't eaten: fast food in over 3 years (I had 2 sliders last Valentine's day, but that was for the occasion), cow's brains or caviar.

I haven't drank: Manichevitz in a long while, a coke product in an even longer while and a coffee malted from Haagen Daaz in the longest of whiles. (mom, we forgot to do that! and the ice cream at larry's doesn't count!! maybe next time...)

I haven't seen: Citizan Cane, Casablanca, all of A Wonderful Life, A Million Dollar Baby, Pi and Dreamgirls (although I don't think I'll care either way about the last flick).

I haven't heard live: Elliott Smith (I'm bummed about that one), The Beatles, The Postal Service, Cat Stevens (more bummage) and Interpol.

I haven't traveled to: South or Central America, Australia, Eastern Europe, Africa, Toyko, South Korea, Mexico, Hawaii, Maine, Las Vegas and San Francisco.

I haven't had the desire to: make babies, have a fancy wedding, get married altogether, snowboard, scuba dive, snort coke, become someone's boss, be on tv (even for a second) or slit my wrists.

I haven't: kissed anyone since October(!), been in an actual snow fight, gone to jail or sewed anything on my new sewing machine (but i will soon enough).


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