People should be taken out back and shot.
I was all prepared for Desperate Housewives, and then Jessie Constapulus from Full House was on my TV. What da fuck! I didn't ask for an olsen twin reunion. Oh, wait, it's some lame show with some has been who just got a divorce from another has been. Right, I'll be changing the channel to something much better. To: Win a Date with Tad Hamilton. Ugh. I watched 5 minutes of this and immediately ran to find my roommates guns. What a crap movie. And I was so surprised by the star rating it received on my on demand rater system. Some fool gave it 3 stars! 3 stars! Didn't Forrest Gump get 3 stars. Who makes these bogus rating systems? I need to speak to you morons.
So, after that mess, I thought for sure the next hbo movie I see must be an academy award winning flick or it's to sleep I go. And sure enough, another hugely ignored movie by the Oscars: Short Circuit.
I couldn't believe I liked that shit when I was young. Alley Sheedy and da Gut (jessie!). Could they not find any work? Did their agents plop these scripts on their desks and say, "This will make you a star, baby. A star!" Now, I can't really remember much of the movie because I got into it again at the last 10 minutes. And I think I actually liked Short Circuit 2 better for some reason. But I'm even wondering who thought to make this crap into a sequel. I mean did people come out of the movie theater just begging for more of this funny robot with the stupid human sidekick. Were we that naive in the 80's? That desperate for a talking robots. I mean, who didn't laugh their asses off with Mac and Me, but that was an alien not a robot. The only type of robot I want to see is the Arnold, naked coming from the future in The Terminator. Ah, I said my peace. Now I can go back to work with the rest of you people.
Ta ta for now.
I am a freak and click on the link to your blog from my blog all day long...just so you know if you ever check your stats and see that 8 million people are coming from my site.
That 8 million people? That's just me (wah-wah-waaaaahhhh).
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