Other crap that's on my mind.

A website about things you probably don't care about, but I do so shove it.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

I almost forgot!

I almost forgot to blog today! How could I? I knew something wasn't right. I had put on my cute, new top with my cute new pants and I was rushing to work because one meeting was cancelled, and yet another one was about to begin. I left the house in a rush, with my hair wet, as it usually is so it maintains that curly sue kinda look and every since then it's been go go go! Work! Eat free lunch with Kelly! Work! Meeting! People stopping in my office just to chat! I've finally had a second to collect my thoughts, and as I was reading Maya's new blog today I just completely forgot that I didn't do one myself. I actually even thought to myself, "What did I write today? Was it about the trick I played on Steve that had him going for a good 5 minutes? Was it about text messaging and how it still scares me? Was it about people already asking me what my Thanksgiving Day plans are, when I can't cook but I'll gladly eat your food!?" And then I realized, "No, dummy. You haven't written anything. Because you're crazy, and not only are you thinking about this for way too long but now you're writing about it on your blog for at least 5 people you know and maybe some you don't to read."

Hump something today. But only because it's Hump Day, not because you're horny.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

what the fuck is voip atlanta??

jesus tap-dancing christ these spammers are fucked.

10:12 AM  

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