Other crap that's on my mind.

A website about things you probably don't care about, but I do so shove it.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Thank you for not smoking.

You know what I hate right now?

Not smoking.

It fucking sucks. I hate not going outside with my friends. I hate sucking on this lollipop, and the 20 other lollipops I've had this morning. I hate the fact that my hands don't smell funny and that I can actually wear the clothes I wore today again tomorrow.

I hate walking around without a lighter. I hate that the bums don't talk to me anymore. I hate not having that excuse to leave a situation because I want a cigarette (which is very often). I hate the fact that I'm scared to go to any drinking event because I might cave in.

I hate that my boss has asked me twice to bum a smoke and I couldn't give him one. I hate that my coworkers seem to be having 3x as many breaks as normal. I hate that I want to go outside and sniff each and every one of them. I hate that I had to talk to people on my cell phone last night without one. I hate that when I asked the cigarette dude around the corner for some change he said only if I bought something, but all he sells are numchucks and cigarettes. I hate saving money. I hate living healthier. I hate not coughing. I hate how I have more energy on the ellipitical machine. I hate being scared that I'll gain lots of weight (I'm going to the health food store to get sugar free lollipops, because no other grocery store carries shit like that, and now instead of lung cancer I'll get cavities).

I hate walking, eating, sleeping, having sex, talking, going to parties, playing games, laughing, driving, watching movies, sitting near fires, camping, laying out, sitting at the park, being at a festival, multi-tasking and being awake without a cigarette.

But 10 years is way too long.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you can come bitch about not smoking with me. i hate not smoking, too. but i think i hated smoking more...or at least i didn't like myself as much. i bet you smell better even if you don't think so. i'll take a good wiff the next time i see you and let you know. don't be terribly concerned if i just run up and smell you.

3:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm so fucking stupid i spelled 'the' wrong.

3:52 PM  

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