Other crap that's on my mind.

A website about things you probably don't care about, but I do so shove it.

Monday, September 18, 2006

My own made up Meme...

Listening to: Mazzy Star over and over again.

Weather right now: Grey and rainy, hence the Mazzy Star.

Wearing: Red and white striped top that I just bought for $2/blank pants.

Hair: Getting longer by the second. Always in some type of bun.

Reading: Just finished Freakonomics on the bus. If you're a nerd like me, and like some interesting facts you definitely want to read this.

Knitting: Binding off the mom's blanket, starting Fad Classic, finishing sister's purse (I SWEAR!).

Watching: Project Runway. Hoping either one of the dudes to win.

Wanting: Mike to get here already/A digital camera/Money to go to Portugal.

Thinking about: Selling my car and shithole computer.

Working on: It's a big secret.

Favorite park in Seattle: Arborteum.

Newest website I frequent: notmartha.org

Just discovered: If you leave the toilet seat up while flushing, that poo can fly up to 8 feet, most likely reaching your toothbrush. I've kept the toilet seat down for a week now.

10 year plan: Own a Bed and Breakfast/Vintage furniture store/Sell stuff all while freelancing

Smoothie of choice: PBandJ at Emerald City Smoothies (fucking delriously delcious)

Gold Star of the month: I found a card in an ATM, and called the 1800 number to see what I could do, especially since when I had to enter the person's number it revealed that he/she only had $100 in his/her account. I immediately sent the card to where I was told.

The things I did this weekend: Went out to a club way past my bedtime, went to Stitches for a DIY event, ran into some other DIY on the way to Stitches, was suckered into a great sale at a vintage store (where I got the $2 top I'm wearing today), rented the last 4 episodes of Lost so I can be ready for the next season, went to the park, went to the Fremont market and fell in love with an antique store, took a 2 hour nap in the middle of the day, knit my mom's blanket to almost completion, took some kind of medicine I knew would make me sleepy since I was wide awake at 11 on a sunday, fell asleep 30 minutes later.


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