Other crap that's on my mind.

A website about things you probably don't care about, but I do so shove it.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Should I do it?

Every day that I live in Seattle I love it a little more. And realizing that I won't get to work at the agencies I want to work at here (neither are hiring at the moment) is a little daunting. I'm still on the hunt in San Fran and Portland, but again I feel as though I could be holding my breath for quite some time.

And me being the antsy pantsy type, I start thinking of alternatives. I always wanted to write some kind of Graphic Novel (well, at least I did once I read Persepolis over a year ago).

But I also always wanted to own a vintage furniture store.

Although, now I think I want to actually do it and then some.

I was talkig with some knitters about this and how wouldn't it be great to have a place with cool furniture, coffee, tea, treats, yarn, books and maybe even a TV? They all agreed it would be fabulous.

So I wrote a little plan. Well, not really a plan. But an idea of a plan. And I'd love your opinion on it.

In my head this store would sell vintage furniture and yarn. It would have tables and chairs and couches. It would sell coffee and tea and donuts and treats. It would have a plethora of good magazines and newspapers. It would have TV where people can watch Oprah, Project Runway, Degrassi: The Next Generation, Lost and of course, the news. When the TV’s not on, I’d have KEXP or whatever is on my ipod at the moment. I’d have movie nights and play Anne of Green Gables. On Saturdays, I’d have Car Talk and Wait, Wait Don’t Tell Me from NPR….

So now, I’m asking for opinions. Should I do something like this? Do you think this is something people would go to and buy things from me? Do you think I’ll go into major debt? I already owe way too much money from school, but I’m also very good with money. To do something like this, risking the fact that I could possibly go completely broke, is killing me.

I told my Mom an abbreviated version of this and I actually heard her heart sink. I know she thinks it's a horrible idea. I know she thinks I'll make no money and maybe even fail. I know she doesn't want me to make a mistake, because I've come far and I've been doing very well for myself.

But let's be realistic folks! I need your advice. I don't need nice. I need the truth.

And I also need money. And any helpful information.

With that said, I’ll be awaiting your comments.



Blogger none said...

i think in seattle, a store like that could definitely fly. however, i think before even THINKING about it you need to do loads of research. talk to lots of different small business owners, get a really really good idea of all the risks. i only say this because my friend's store is only just making a profit, and it's been 3 years. and oh yes, did i mention his mom is a multi-millionaire? that said, i would definitely drop by anytime i'm in seattle and i think it would be a very fulfilling awesome way to make a living!

10:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think it sounds lovely and it could work the same way that a coffee shop works -it always amazes me that a coffee shop can actually make money by mostly selling $3 coffees, but tons of them clearly do. and we need another good vintage furniture store around here for sure. and i love donuts. so there.

good seeing you this morning, plus it reminded me to catch up on your blog. good luck with your move and all! hope to run into you again soon.

2:53 PM  

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