Comments? Concerns? Cacapoopeepants?
-Why do people cough on the bus and then immediately put their hand back on the railing? They must realize how gross that is, right?
-Why do birds poop in the same spot so that it leaves just one big poop area on the ground? Is that their home? Is there some good crumbs up on that ledge?
-Why do people tell you how to cure a cold, like they are a doctor of colds and like you are some dumbass who has never had one before?
-Why is it when you are so happy, someone usually comes in and shits on you?
-Why are customer service people the dumbest humans on earth? Are they this dumb outside of work? Are they really patient people?
-Why is it that you can yell at those you love, but not at those you hate?
-Why are there so many shitty movies, books, music that gets produced? And who are the people that see/read/buy them?
-Why can't you go in and out of a concert? They've invented the computer. I'm sure they can invent technology that enables you to reenter a venue.
-Why do movie theaters not allow you (me) to bring in my tasty fro-yo? I know it's because they want me to buy their crappy popcorn, but why should I be forced to when what I want is fro-yo and they don't offer that?
-Why is a one scoop of ice cream different everywhere you go? This is not the case for coffee cups or fries, so why stop with the scoop? I am always surprised as to how much ice cream I'm going to get.
-Why don't they teach kids about credit cards or saving up for the future? They should. It should be a required class in college and high school.
-Why is it that the most religious people always seem to be the most fucked up? Every time a non religious person is on the news, do really religious people think it's because we don't believe as much as they do?
-Why are so many people allergic to things these days? That's weird, right?
-Why did so many people like Borat? It wasn't THAT funny.
-Why is it that some people can never make up their fucking mind without someone else's opinion? This is probably the most frustrating quality I find in a person. It shows you have absolutely no confidence in your own choices. Or are too lazy to decide on anything.
-Why haven't the US caught on to the Europeans way of taking vacations? They get 5 weeks a year. Do Americans think this is wrong? I don't. And I don't know anyone around me who would hate 5 weeks of not going to work.
-Why have people decided texting is a way to communicate? It is not. I promise you.
-Why do people get mad when you don't accept their friendship right away on Twitter/MySpace/Facebook/Linkedin? Especially since you haven't talked to them in years.
-Why, oh why, can't I stop asking questions? I don't have an answer to this one. But I'll stop so you can go back to work.